
ACT 6000

Advanced Communication Tester

This new instrument combining various kinds of transmission, metallic and special tests, may be considered up to today the most advanced Test Set for qualifying and maintenance of advanced transmission systems and copper pairs used for various telecommunication services: ·POTS ·ISDN ·T1 ·E1 ·HDSL 1/2P ·SHDSL ·ADSL ·ADSL2+ ·VDSL2 ·VDSLp

One ACT6000 can perform easy and quick “Single-End Line Tests” or specific “End-to-End Line Tests” if coupled with another ACT6000. The wide kind of measurements of the ACT6000 allows the qualification and certification on various communication carriers and copper pairs used for digital streams with a frequency occupancy up to 6 MHz (or 35 MHz optional); moreover, the instrument can automatically extrapolate the ADSL, ADSL2+, VDSL2 and VDSL Plus maximum expected data rate of the copper line under test.

ACT6000 can be configured for high troubleshooting mission, by special functions and internal optional modules. The complete adoption of these modules allows the simple and fast finding and localization of anomalies and/or faults on the copper line and communication systems.