01 - EME Guard XS Radar
01 - EME Guard XS Radar
EME Guard XS Radar GIF
EME Guard Radar

MVG EME Guard XS Radar Personal RF Safety up to 30GHz

80 MHz – 30 GHz

• Detects short pulsed signals of Radars
• Accurate measurement with tri-axis sensors
• Instant audio and visual alarm

• Robust, reliable and user-friendly

Specifically designed to alert workers operating near radar transmitters, the EME Guard XS Radar is an EMF measuring device. It continuously scans for short pulsed signals, and via its built-in alarm and visual system, alerts users whenever the acceptable limits have been exceeded. This RF Safety tool is extremely easy to use and creates a safer working environment close to radar antennas.
  • Continuous monitoring of Electromagnetic Field levels with isotropic tri-axis E-field sensors
  • EMF Level indicated by a LED color scale
  • Audio and visual alarms triggered when EMF exceeds the reference level
  • Persons working near radar transmitters or antennas including installation and maintenance workers, Radards, broadcast, PMR and mobile phone operators or regulatory body employees,
  • FCC 96-326
  • Safety Code 6
  • 2013/35/UE New EU Directive
  • Alarm threshold can be adjusted at MVG factory upon request


  • EME Guard XS Radar
  • MVG Case
  • Wrist strap
  • Lanyard
  • Connecting adapter
  • Armband
  • 2 x 1.5 V Size N Alkaline batteries
  • Instructions for use
  • Initial calibration
  • Additional calibration
  • Extended warranty