
Octobox Automated Wireless Testbeds

Compact, stackable testbeds for automated validation of Wi-Fi 6 and 7, and 5G networks and devices.

The Octobox testbed is a customizable set of isolated chambers and instruments for testing over-the-air (OTA) Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 7 and legacy or 5G network equipment and devices by simulating real world environments such as interference, traffic, and mesh handover, in a stable, automated, repeatable testing environment. The system supports Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 and TR-398 performance standards. The testbed is configured with multiple chambers to mimic conditions found in a home, office, and other environments and reduces wireless testing from weeks to hours.


Wireless Testbed Configurations

Compact, stackable testbeds for automated validation of Wi-Fi and 5G networks and devices.