TelecomTest Solutions Pty Ltd is proud to announce we have satisfied all the requirements to become fully registered on the JOSCAR-AU supplier accreditation register.

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TelecomTest Solutions Pty Ltd is proud to announce we have satisfied all the requirements to become fully registered on the JOSCAR-AU supplier accreditation register.


Joscar is a collaborative platform used by companies operating in aerospace, defence and security sectors, which hold common suppliers information in a centralized system: the accreditation system allows information to be accessed by all participating buying organizations.The JOSCAR system streamlines supplier compliance data management with a one-to-many ‘community’ approach, aligning requirements across Primes. It centralises assurance information and reduces time, effort, duplication, and costs for both buyers and suppliers. One supply chain system that will slash red tape and the costs of doing business with the Australian Department of Defence and major primes in the nation’s defence sector. The system emulates a successful program in the United Kingdom and has already been adopted locally by the Department of Defence and companies including BAE Systems Australia, Raytheon Australia, Babcock Australasia (Babcock), Lockheed Martin Australia, Boeing Defence Australia, and Saab Australia.