5G CW mmWave Receiver Eagle-40

Consultix 5G CW Receiver , 5G networks are all about enabling ultra-broadband, massive connectivity, ultra-low latency, so building a strong RF infrastructure is a key prerequisite. As RF infrastructure lays the foundation of every wireless network and if done right, every coming phase is a whole lot easier.

And since muscular RF infrastructure correlates with an outstanding RF design, our mission is to enable our users to shine some light on the RF environment of their projects using real field measurements.A continued desire toward portability of field testers has been always there, but economics played a large role…And here comes the solution.

onsultix-5G receivers are portable solutions that bring simplicity and affordability to mmWave test scenarios pertinent to 5G applications.The products feature superior RF performance at 28 GHz band. And its compact size makes mmWave field testing as easy as low GHz.



  •  Frequency Range: 27 to 30 GHz
  •  Amplitude Accuracy: ±1dB
  •  -120 dBm Sensitivity
  •  Low Power Consumption
  •  Weight < 1.6 Kg
  •  High-end test accessories


WalkView™ WalkView™ Software

  •  PC Version
  •  Supports wide range of Maps and Floor-Plan formats
  •  Compatibility with iBwave, Ranplan, MapInfo, Asset, etc.
  •  Indoor and Outdoor Modes with GPS Support
  •  Raw and Averaged Data Files Available



Frequency Range 27 to 30GHz
Frequency step 100 KHz
Sensitivity -120 dBm
Modulations CW
Weight 1.3 Kg (Consultix-5G-D Model) 1.6 Kg (Consultix-5G-Pro Model)
Internal Frequency Accuracy 1.5 ppm
Level Measurement Accuracy ±1 dB (typ. ±0.5 dB)
RF Interface 50 ohm SMA Female